Basic shrimp fishing, take appropriate weight

Various types and sizes of shrimp in the market. You can select as appropriate places. Hooks usually have two kinds of thorny pandan pandan and no thorns.

If fishing in the river, kind of thorny pandan recommended. For the pool, many anglers choose not barbed hooks. Basically hook size from 5 to 8 is suitable for any size lobster.

If you wish a bigger prawn fishing, bigger eyes is needed. Leader for river shrimp is 8 to 12 pounds while swimming 6 lbs.

Kapok seeds can be used for carp fishing. In addition, rice bran and palm kernel is also widely used.

Use basic sinker to the bottom of the sink the bait. Obviously there is no difference in the use of this type sinker. For deep-sea fishing, die sinker type widely used as easily be changed if the current changes.

The use of pendulum of life takes time to tie the leader if you want to change the size.

This type sinker for fishing, which is very sensitive to the bait. When touched the bait, the fish will continue to swallow if he feels no burden on the bait.

The best time fishing commercial fish and shrimp ponds is the morning, afternoon and evening. The time blazing hot weather, the fish became passive and did not take the bait. You also need to listen hard on the bottom of a pool to ensure a satisfactory result of provocation.

Meanwhile, different horizontal reel (multiplier) and vertical (spinnng) is the position of the reel on the rod. Horizontal reel in the rod and the vertical or open type mounted on the boom.

SCIENCE .. Fill the monsoon to claim knowledge of the sea

Monsoon seems to have started. During almost two weeks in Johor Bahru, for example, stem Rod is feeling the average daily heavy rain with thunderstorms.

Rod stems not wait too try-try fishing in Kong Kong, Pasir Gudang and Lido Beach, but once the bad weather arrived at the scene. When leaving the house, the weather is nice and bright. This is the scenario of the weather in Johor Bahru is also influenced by the northeast monsoon.

Hear-hear the weather in the Klang Valley and other West Coast states are also uncertain. More rain than the heat. On the east coast, rainfall is projected down to 48 hours.

Stem Rod have experience working in Kuala Terengganu for three years and is anxious and painful when the monsoon season. When it is watered by intermittent heavy rains down a few days. During this season, Rod Stem fellow anglers suggest that seek knowledge.

You can learn to make commitments. You can learn to read the GPS. At the same time, learn how to make full use of GPS as way to mark and track the location. Also, learn to use sonar or fish finder. All hardware is important and should be held to maximize the catch.

Of the skipper on the quay or a base for studying the ocean. How to read water, wind and storm. Not a shame if you claim all this knowledge.

Rod Stem is proposed that from now on anglers no longer have to follow the way the skipper looking deep. But you pay for the skipper to take you to the bottom that you know for sure.

It is not difficult to change this situation. But it provided you have already learned. You need to buy a tide chart. You need to have a chart of oceanography. You need to know where the location of shelf, reef, craters, shipwrecks and other important structures in the water you go.

It is wise if you're ready to learn about the structure of the sea is deep because of certain structures. By knowing all of this is to distinguish the fish in the shoal, the bottom mud or sand, in the dike, coral and others. All structures would also assume different levels of quality and fight.

You also need to learn the skills, knowledge and knowledge of hardware used in fishing. Find out the ideal set of lines and balanced, as well as ability. Increase the strength of ties on hooks and other connection string. Know that own set according to the trip that would be done.

So, for a month or two teachers seek and seek knowledge as much as possible. Science will distinguish you by anglers who know just extend the feed but are not aware of whether the bait was falling at the base of sand or mud.

Prev: WARNING! Preparing to face new global climate patternsNext: Do not mortgage the family, working as the fish


Groupers that inhabit the coast of size less than 2 pounds, except that the water in the area. Thus, the appropriate hooks are number 8 to number 10. While 500 grams of grouper to swallow hook number 5 / 0, but due to geographical factors, you are urged to use a small hook. Ropeappropriate leader is between 20 to 40 pounds according to the size of the primary strap. Leader 40 pounds is considered large for the binding point number 10.
Grouper fishing in rocky areas do not need a long leader is too long because it is easy to get caught on the reefs. The most appropriate distance or span of just two of the pendulum. Grouper fishing techniques are usually rocky areas.
But do not throw the bait in a rocky area or let it fall to the bottom. As a result, the hook stuck.
If the water is clear, place bait between the rock (where the light of the dark area) and let the fish out of the stone and pounced on the bait.
Sinker is subject to the throw distance to be made. If the bait thrown at close range, just use a small sinker to sink the bait to the bottom.
If you wish to throw away, a large sinker is needed to reduce wind resistance, especially. For the authors, much more fun to use fishing without a sinker at the edge of the stone. Slice off the feed could sink to the bottom where the current location of the weak. Risk is also a small stone stuck in when using this technique.
Slices of mackerel bait and squid lure the best grouper Epinephelus not choose the beach for bait. What kind of bait in front would be gripped. In addition to live shrimp, sliced fish, you can use the content of crabs or sand crabs, snails or any other content found on coastal shell beaches.


The mention of Taman Negara (National Park) in Pahang would conjure up images of lush, green and pristine jungles apart from the rapids with their crystal-clear water. 

This virgin rainforest, believed to be 130 million years old, is spread over 4,343 square km, comes under the jurisdiction of the National Parks and Wildlife Protection Department. With its priceless treasures of flora and fauna, Taman Negara offers attractive packages for aficionados of jungle adventure.

The journey from Kuala Lumpur or Kuantan to this National Park takes about three hours. But, upon arriving at the Kuala Tahan jetty, one can feel the sudden desire to explore further upstream of Sungai Tahan.

Another way to Taman Negara is via Jerantut town using either the river or land route.
There are many attractions in Taman Negara like the canopy walkway, Berkoh rapids, Bukit Teresek, safari night, Gua Telinga, Lubok Simpon, Nusa Camp and Orang Asli settlements.


The National Parks latest tourism product that is worth the effort to visit is the Kelah Sanctuary at Lubuk Tenor.

This site not only has a research and conservation centre for the Kelah fish, also known as Malaysian Mahseer, but provides various attractions for the visitors.

From the Kuala Tahan jetty, visitors can reach Lubuk Tenor by going upstream Sungai Tahan, usually in a boat moved by a 15-horse power engine and the journey takes some 15 minutes. However the boat fare is RM120, but split four ways, it will cost RM30 per person.


Among the activities available at the sanctuary is feeding the Kelah, apart from swimming and playing with this freshwater fish. Angling is allowed, but strictly on a catch-and-release basis. The visitors can also view schools of Kelah fry swimming in the crystal-clear water.

It is fascinating to watch the Kelah's lightning reaction as it feed on the pellets, which are thrown onto the water surface.

The Kelah is known as the king of the freshwater fish or king of the river, as its flesh is so tasty that even the scales are eaten crisp-fried. That is why it commands a very high price at the market.

The creation of Lubuk Tenur Kelah Sanctuary is due to the collaboration between USAINS Holdings, a subsidiary of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Perhilitan in 2001.

The management of the sanctuary was taken over by Golden Mahseer Sdn Bhd (GMSB) in January 2006, with the villagers providing the manpower.

GMSB managing director Roslan Abu Kasim, 43, said the task to conserve the Kelah was delegated to the local villagers including the Orang Asli from the Batek tribe.

The villagers also act as agents to promote the sanctuary among the visitors, he said, adding that almost 90 per cent of the some 2,000 Kampung Kuala Tahan folks are involved in the tourism industry at Taman Negara.

As the sanctuary is opened to the public only from 8am to 5pm daily, the visitors have a choice of staying overnight at the nearby campsite. Roslan said there are 30 tents that provide accommodation for visitors.

A 3-day/2-night package for four people is available for RM350 and is inclusive of boat fare and food.
Those who sign up for this package can go for activities like jungle trekking to Bukit Kementor, kayaking, netting the fish fry as well as a trip to the Berkoh rapids.

The Kelah Adoption Programme is available where for RM20 each, the visitors can release their adopted fish fry into the river. Participants will be awarded with a certificate for their effort.

The sanctuary also provides facilities for the staging of seminars and workshops but this is limited to 30 people at a time.

Pari Coast Fishing Baits Moreb and Compatible

What bait and the right time to catch rays in the coastal areas, especially coastal ooze Morib.
If we look at landscape Morib beach, the beach is of a very flat and often visited the public during the holidays. Places that are often the focus of the public to wash Manda less populated Rays. Rays are not fond of fish species encountered by humans. Hubbub of people playing beach impact on the coast except the Stingray presence of a strong attraction for the Rays come to play at the shore. The beach is of sand and mud were mixed. For the Rays this area is part of the focus of food sources.
The Rays are close to the beach with a goal of finding food. The coastal areas there are several species known to be in the list of fish diet of fairy bebolos, belacak, gelama, cobra, anchovies, goggle eyes, lotion, etc. Amendments sisiknya not particularly thorny. Besides food source for coastal Rays are shrimp, squid octopus, crab perumpun and children.

In view of the beach area was the focus of fish to play and looking for food, use the right bait to ensure success. If using a dead bait fish slices, for example, it is easily destroyed and carried out a small fish, including crab before the Rays found. When the Rays find a bait that has been destroyed it is not interested in the bait. Recommended anglers using live bait fish are not disturbed getuan bebolos small child, the child belacak or Jajang (belacak a long occupation of brackish water estuary), a subsidiary gelama, medium-large shrimp life. Important forage fish consumed less digetu other.

As Morib is the focus, so fishing is recommended in the absence of the public.Better night for Rays will approach the coast at night. Summary, the best time is when the full tide at night.

Cockle Culture Way

INTRODUCTION cockle started in 1984 by a village chief in Bagan Pancor, Perak. This experiment has been successful and has since evolved to cockle along the mangrove swamp on the West Coast Semenanjuga and estimated the potential area is 28.540 hectares. Shellfish species commonly grown in Australia is of Anadora Granosa.
It is good to have a total market in neighboring countries, particularly Thailand and Singapore.
This animal has several advantages compared with other animals including: -
  • Method hunting tools
  • Management and maintenance of minimum
  • To return / profit as possible.
  • Has a potential market with favorable prices.
Until now done cockle culture is partially dependent on the natural seed supply. Seed oysters could be produced in Middleton, but the expense is high and very low rates of life. 

Selection is based on the appropriate area of land and water, namely: -
  1. Areas protected from currents and waves.
  2. State of the muddy seabed of fine and soft with a thickness of 46-76 cm. Texture contrast soil contains 50-80% clay and silt remaining.
  3. Salinity of about 18 (ppt)
  4. Gradient culture medium site policy.
Area free from pollution and harm. Identified suitable areas must first obtain approval from the state government to obtain a temporary license ownership (TOL). Area of the economy for individuals to carry out animal is 10 hectares (+25 acres).
Type of shellfish species cultured are from (Anadara Granosa) The right to exercise cockle
Seeds of common shells found in the muddy shore of dental mangroves or estuaries. Seed collection is made once it reaches the size of 4-10 mm. Tangguk collection is made with wire, wooden tray and a piece of board. This device is pulled through the surface of the mud several times and then cleaned to separate the seed oysters with mud.
Collection of seeds is usually used boat in a natural area at low tide. Price depends on size of seed shellfish seed to seed size from 1.000 to 3.000 / kg RM60.00/guni estimated price. Seed size is 6.4cm shells are tender. 

Seed dissemination work done by boat. Prior to the distribution of seeds is made, shell-shell and the enemies of shellfish (snails excavators) to be removed. Seed sowing should be made in good weather and the water started to install. Seeds should be sown as soon as they come to the site to prevent the death of seedlings due to the pressure (stress). Sowing seeds evenly so that the shellfish should be growing well. Rate of sowing seeds depends on seed size and fitness area.
SHELL SELERAK change and remove predators
Within 3-4 months after the seed sown, the density of shellfish should be inspected. If found to be irregular so it should be changed selerak to produce rapid growth shells. Current activities selerak change made enemies of shellfish to be collected / captured and removed / killed. Among the enemies of the snail shells thorns, small snails Belitung, common snails, mussels ginger, star snails and stingrays. Size cockle clams reach market size adult is 3.8cm.

To achieve a market size of 80-100 seeds / kg (70 grains / pounds) this animal usually takes 12-18 months from the date of the seeds sown. Growing oysters is influenced by site fertility, water quality, size and density of seeds sown.
Before the animals collected for the market, estimating the stock should be made to determine the quantity of shellfish stocks to be sold in retail or tender. Tangguk collection made by using wire, basically the same tool with the collection of seeds only tool length of wire (mesh size) is larger. Collection Maintenance Activities Cockles are: -
1. Shake the device to collect shells.
2. Save while on the boat to the base landed
3. Separate the shells from the trash, empty shell-shell and other snails.
4. Fill shells into the sack with an estimated 70 kg / sack.
5. Transport the shellfish to be sold to wholesalers or retailers.
The calculation of revenue based on the following:
The net size of cockles - 2,000 seeds / kg of seed distribution - 50 sacks / ha Duration -18 months cattle livestock area - 10 ha of Life Rate - 50% Market Size - 100 pieces / kg Price Cockle General - RM 25.00/guni a sack - 70 Sales of 1.000 kg bags / ha x Rm45/guni 10ha x 50% x RM225, 000
Cockles Operating Costs
  • 50 bags / ha x 10 ha x RM150/guni RM75, 000
  • Wages Sprinkle RM 10,000
  • Wages and Wash Area Selerak RM15, 000
  • Amount of RM100, 000
  • Maintenance
  • Boat Maintenance RM5, 000
  • Boats Oil RM10, 000
  • Engine Maintenance / spikes of RM5, 000
  • Maintenance Pondok RM3, 000
  • Other RM2, 000
  • Amount of RM25, 000
  • Cost Management Toll Fee (250 x 20) x 18 months RM10, 000
  • Salary 2 people watch (2 × 650) RM23, 400
  • Contingency RM10, 000
  • Amount of RM43, 400
  • Grand Total expenses RM168, 400
  • Gross Revenue / Round RM56, 600 (Sales-Expenses)
  • Monthly Income (in 18 months) RM3, 144.00
The problems may be encountered in the cockle currently is not a constant supply of seed-Theft clam enemies (predators), Water Pollution (Industrial Waste) Snail Ginger is one of the main enemy shells
The waves provide technical advisory services such as carrying out appropriate research and marketing of livestock.
Investment opportunities in the livestock project is open to all, particularly the Association of Fishermen, fishing groups and individuals.
Aquaculture Development Section Fishing Industry Development Division, Malaysian Fisheries Development Authority of Level 11, Wisma PKNS Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-26177000

Sebarau fishing technique (bait drift)

Sebarau is a freshwater predator fish scales on the Malaysian entertainment. It is an aggressive predator and very like to play in areas that have current. Agile, active and aggressive when hunting for fish fry or shrimp. The head is similar to the complaint, but his body is flat and has a red tail-shaped "V" and framed in black, the body is a black stripes like a black belt taekwando.

For this fishing, patience and the right skills required to mendaratkannya. This is because of these fish prefer to stay in the water have current and highly sensitive to human presence. Fishing can also use the usual way by using the weight but it is not the best way to fish this sebarau.
There are two best ways to fish is by using gewang sebarau (casting) or use the live bait. However, the use of live bait is the best of the best. The use of live bait for fishing sebarau, the technique is more effective bait drift be
cause it makes you look like a bait fish that is free and natural. For bait fishing float, sinker can not be used because it will make the bait sink in the river bed. We recommend that main line connected to the small size of Chile and a fine long perambut about sehasta. Use a smaller hook for the bait and thus does not cause bait to die. Hook is in the mouth should dicangkuk bait (fish fry) to make the bait swim normally, if dicangkuk hook at the top of the fish, this will make the fish swim horizontally when exposed to current, this will cut the bait, and it will make the sebarau membaham not feel suspicious and bait.

The Type Of Squid

About 300 different species of squid exist. The two main suborders of squid are myopsida and oegopsida. Members of the myopsida suborder live in relatively shallow waters. Their eyes are covered by a transparent membrane, and they have suckers, rather than hooks, on their tentacles. Let's look at some common members of the myopsida suborder:
  • California market squid (Loligo opalescens) - Market squid live in shallow waters close to the shorelines in the eastern Pacific Ocean, from Mexico north to Alaska. They are plentiful in the waters of Monterey Bay, California, where they've been harvested by fishermen since the 1800s. 
  • Common European squid (Loligo vulgaris) - European squid can be found in the Mediterranean Sea and eastern Atlantic Ocean. They live in depths of 65 to 850 feet (20 to 250 meters), and are typically small, weighing about 3.3 pounds (1.5 kilograms) and measuring 16 inches (42 centimeters) long. 
  • Caribbean reef squid (Sepioteuthis sepioidea) - As their name suggests, these squid live in the Caribbean Sea, as well as off the Florida coast. The torpedo-shaped squid more closely resemble cuttlefish than squid -- they are wider and have larger fins than most other squid varieties.
  • Members of the oegopsida suborder live out in the ocean and deep sea. They have no cornea over their eyes, and their tentacles are lined with suckers and/or hooks. Here are a few common varieties of the oegopsida suborder:
  • Shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) - Shortfins live in the Atlantic Ocean, from Florida to Newfoundland, Canada. These squid have a longer-than-normal migratory period. They travel south to place their eggs in warmer waters. 
  • Deep-sea luminescent squid (Taningia danae) - The deep-sea luminescent squid live in depths of up to 3,000 feet in the North Atlantic, and off the coasts of Bermuda, Hawaii, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. To survive in its pitch-dark surroundings, this type of squid creates its own light -- (bioluminescence), created by organs called photophores. The Taningia danae gets its name from the Danish research ship, Dana, which in 1931 caught one of these squid off the coast of the Cape Verde Islands. 
  • That this type of danger to be friends
  • Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas) - Humboldts live in the eastern Pacific. These enormous creatures have earned the nickname "red devil" for their red skin and the ferocity of their attacks. They are merciless with their prey, and have even been known to go after sharks. The Humboldt squid grows at an amazing rate -- by adulthood, it can reach 7 to 15 feet in length and can weigh as much as 100 pounds.  
In the depths of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, pairs of glowing red eyes cut through the gloom. They belong to the vampire squid from hell (Vampyroteuthis infernalis), part of its own squid order -- Vampyromorpha. The vampire squid's sinister name comes from its appearance -- it has red eyes, a black body and webbed arms that resemble Dracula's cape. Despite its intimidating appearance, however, the vampire squid is actually quite docile. It sits motionless in the water until its prey approaches, and then it catches the food in its webbed arms.

How to Catch Crabs?

Assalammualikum ..... to all fishing ....... just want to intervene even if it's a topic to be presented not to do with fishing ........ but just want to add only knowledge ..... because these species breed in the sea, it's not wrong when we talked on this topic, which is about to catch crab?.
  1. How to catch crabs presumably ??..... I can usually only the shrimp nets came nipah crabs.
  2. What equipment is used to catch crabs?. Once found, such as traps were there.
  3. What kind of crab can be eaten ?.......
  4. Species and different ways of life which is ?.....
  5. In terms of bait to catch crabs of what ?......

Hopefully everyone can give their views and fishing information for new people like me ........ All I know ...... just eat crabs only way to catch crabs had never seen.

Sebarau Fishing Technique (Bait Drift)

Sebarau is a freshwater predator fish scales on the Malaysian entertainment. It is an aggressive predator and very like to play in areas that have current. Agile, active and aggressive when hunting for fish fry or shrimp. The head is similar to the complaint, but his body is flat and has a red tail-shaped "V" and framed in black, the body is a black stripes like a black belt tekwando. 

For this fishing, patience and skill required for proper arrest. This is because of these fish prefer to stay in the water have current and highly sensitive to human presence. Fishing can also use the usual way by using the weight but it is not the best way to fish this Sebarau. 

There are two best ways to fish is by using gewang Sebarau (casting) or use the live bait. However, the use of live bait is the best of the best. The use of live bait for fishing Sebarau, the technique is more effective bait drift because it makes you look like a bait fish that is free and natural. For bait fishing float, sinker can not be used because it will make the bait sink in the river bed. We recommend that main line connected to the small size of Chile and perambut fine with about 15 inch long. Use a smaller hook for the bait and thus does not cause bait to die. Hook is in the mouth should dinstall bait (fish fry) to make the bait swim normally, if the hook is installed at the top of the fish, this will make the fish swim horizontally when exposed to current, this will cut the bait, and it will make the Sebarau eat not feel suspicious baits.
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