Squid Jigging fishing season and come again. The legs and feet pencandat squid fishing! it is time for you to come down to the sea to carry out this exciting. Squid Jigging season again this year with results that will satisfy. Squid Jigging Let's go over the coastal waters are rich in fishery resources and sea products.

Fact candat squid.

Time-to: the MACH month - July

Place: waters

Types of squid: squid ketupat, squid needle, mengabang squid, cuttlefish torok, cumit-cumit,

Type candat: candat Twist, candat bamboo, candat dead, fish bait, bait shrimp

Candat large squid and fresh can dicandat in local waters this season. Do not miss the opportunity.

With the cooperation of the local Fishermen's Association, we can help you to book a boat and related equipment to get Squid Jigging. With the comfort and security boats meet safety regulations and register with the local Fishermen's Association, the boat fare and reservation is dependent on the size of the boat and engine types used.

Reservations are subject to the reservations and also depending on availability. For further information contact 012-9488958.

A Squid Jigging trip depends on the location candat. depending on the fuel used for the location and wage Tekong. Normally, expenses for a trip is RM 550.00 to RM 700.00. However this depends on the negotiations with the boat owner.

According to the present observation of catch per boat is estimated to be about 50-70 kilograms of squid. This depends on the skills pencandat.

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